Stay on track with the green-empowering trio, and a few other thoughts, as we wrap up this series on greenwashing.

“Is this plant real?” I’m often disappointed by fake plants. No matter how nice, and real, they look it totally changes the way I feel about them when I discover they are fake. Well, responsibility can be a bit like that when you realise you’ve been duped - so here’s how to avoid that!

Put simply. What to be on the look out for when trying to shop more sustainably and avoid greenwashing.

So, tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I’m sure you know exactly how you take your coffee but when it comes to eco-friendly products we often don't have a clue what we want. Let’s try figure that out shall we.

Like whitewashing but green! Hello and welcome to my next blog series all about greenwashing and how to empower yourself to make great choices.
This is a tag cloud of my blog topics so far. Click on the one you’re interested in to see all the blogs in that series.